National Social Work Month Campaign Update

It’s April 2 and the Meme Tees Sell-One-Tee-in-Every-Province-and-Territory-Campaign for National Social Work Month and Social Work Week in BC is wrapped up. 

Here’s the final tally:  we sold 111 tees in 31 days in 11/13 provinces!

Big, huge thanks to so many people, especially everyone that bought a tee in March and my friends and colleagues at RSG and FB. 

I also had wonderful support from many organizations and FB groups: CASW, BCASW, SASW, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of SW Alumni Association, UBC SW Alumni, Voluntary Resource Centre of PEI, Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, NWT Liveable Income Network, Health Providers Against Poverty - Ontario, the Vancouver Thorn, Basic Income Canada FB Group,  Canada Basic Income Party FB Group, Artists for Basic Income FB Group, Montreal Basic Income FB Group and Vancouver Women in Business FB Group.  

The seeds of this project were planted and inspired by Alida Ferhout, a RN in the DTES and her tees and my experiences in the DTES while redeployed last April. I had almost talked myself out of this project in January of this year, but then in early February the VCH SW Practice Leads asked if anyone had any ideas for Social Work Week.  I pitched launching this t-shirt fundraiser and they said “yes”!  A heart-felt thanks to Paige Mowbray for championing my idea.

Within 4 weeks this website was launched with Goodwin Creative and 300 tees were printed by Pressing Matters in East Van.  I can’t say enough great things about Jude and Sky Goodwin at Goodwin Creative, they are marvellous.  And big kudos to Malcolm Holt at Pressing Matters for the graphic of the tee – it is bold and has impact.

April showers bring May flowers, and Meme Tees fundraiser continues.  In April I hope to engage with non-profit housing associations and providers. 

My goals for April are:

1.     A new sales target of 200 tees -- this is the breakeven point and will allow for new opportunities to grow the project by adding products, like a tote bag and reordering tees.

2.     Learn how to run the online store – there’s a learning curve.

3.     Learn how to do bookkeeping – I will learn how with C. Campbell Agency.

Yours’s in posting and sharing,


#InCriticalDemand #NationalSocialWorkMonth #SocialWorkIsEssential


Our inspiration


Grassroots Email Campaign Initiated by BC Social Workers